Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Código, Presentaciones y Fotos de CodeCampSDQ 2012

Me complace reportar que el evento CodeCampSDQ fué un éxito.
Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron con su granito de arena para que este evento fuese exitoso.

El evento comenzó a las 9:30 AM, y acabó a las 4:00 PM. A este acudieron 30 profesionales del desarrollo, entre ellos varios ex-alumnos del Instituto Técnico Salesiano y el Instituto Tecnológico de Las Américas.

Los temas a tratar en este primer CodeCamp fueron:

  • Desarollo de aplicaciones Web con ASP.NET MVC 4, por Alexander Matos
  • Desarrollo de aplicaciones para iOS con C# y .NET usando MonoTouch, por Claudio Sanchez

Si el widget de SkyDrive no te funciona; para ver el código, presentaciones y fotos, eche un vistazo aquí

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to get a job with Microsoft, Apple or Google

I recently read a very interesting article about how to get yourself noticed in the “Major Leagues” . The article is by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, who herself has worked at four of today’s big tech companies the likes of Apple, Google and Microsoft.
Here is a short version of the 9 Reasons.
  • Go to an elite school (or associate with one).
  • Intern early, and relevant to your career (knowing how to flip burgers doesn’t make you a better coder).
  • Major in something relevant.
  • Community service means: do Tech work for free, not in a soup kitchen.
  • Learn how to write (oops, that is why I could never land one of those Winking smile).
  • Be a teacher’s pet. They write good recommendation letters.
  • Be a generalist.
  • Be an entrepreneur, innovate or deliver results.
  • no one cares if you have a 4.0 GPA.
At the end of the day, make sure that whatever you do is transferable to the next step/job in your career.